Audio Tech Details

Grownups Read Things They Wrote as Kids is a live, open-mic reading series, recorded for audio broadcast. This document details our live sound requirements, and explains our recording setup. If you have any questions, please contact Dan by email.

What you supply, what we bring

GRTTWaK travels with the following audio gear:

We require the following from venues:

Live sound

Our live sound reinforcement needs are minimal. However, because we often have 15–20 readers on stage in rapid succession, we need an audio technician to ride each reader’s level in real-time. Before the show, our host will prep readers on microphone technique.

We’ll send your console two sources via XLR:

  1. A transformer-isolated split from the main reader microphone (via Radial ProMS2)
  2. Pre-show and intermission music (iPad via Radial Trim-Two)


Many of our readers are not used to being on stage. Monitors often freak them out. We do not require monitors.


All recording is handled by our host (Dan) who remains on stage throughout the show.

Sound check

For most live events, GRTTWaK load-in is at 5:30, with sound check at 6:00. Because readers arrive between 6:30–7:00, it’s especially important that sound check happen on time.